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A Responsible Jewelry Company

Ethical Commitment in Jewelry Crafting: Embracing Responsibility

At ITALIAN FASHIONS Jewelry, we take pride in our role as a Responsible Jewelry company, dedicated to upholding ethical, human rights, social, and environmental standards across our supply chain. From the sourcing of gold, silver, platinum group metals, diamonds, to colored gemstones, we prioritize responsible practices at every step.

  • Setting Benchmarks for Responsibility: We've established a benchmark standard for the jewelry supply chain, ensuring that our operations adhere to rigorous ethical guidelines. Through credible mechanisms and third-party auditing, we verify and validate our commitment to responsible business practices, maintaining transparency and accountability.
  • Embracing Accountability with Auditing: Our commitment goes beyond mere promises. We undergo regular audits to ensure compliance with the Code of Practices Standard, providing assurance to our customers and stakeholders. These audits serve as a testament to our dedication to ethical conduct and responsible business operations.
  • Integration of Ethical Principles: At ITALIAN FASHIONS Jewelry, ethical, human rights, social, and environmental considerations are not just ideals; they are integral to our business ethos. We embed these principles into our day-to-day operations, business planning activities, and decision-making processes, fostering a culture of responsibility and sustainability.
  • A Pledge to Responsibility: In essence, our pledge is clear: we commit to operating our business in alignment with the highest ethical standards, prioritizing the well-being of people and the planet. By integrating responsible practices into every facet of our operations, we strive to set a precedent for the jewelry industry, inspiring positive change and ensuring a more sustainable future.

Championing Human Dignity and Labor Rights

At ITALIAN FASHIONS Jewelry, we prioritize the safeguarding of human rights across our operations and business engagements, adhering to esteemed global standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and pertinent conventions outlined by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Our commitment to upholding human and labor rights is encapsulated in our comprehensive policy, which outlines the following core principles:

  • Creating a Safe and Respectful Workplace Environment: At ITALIAN FASHIONS Jewelry, we firmly prohibit all forms of violence and harassment within our workplace premises. This prohibition encompasses a wide range of unacceptable behaviors, including but not limited to corporal punishment, harsh or demeaning treatment, sexual or physical harassment, mental or verbal abuse, retaliation, coercion, and intimidation. We unequivocally condemn both direct and indirect forms of harassment, affirming our commitment to fostering an environment where every individual feels safe, respected, and valued.
  • Zero Tolerance for Child Labor: We pledge to abstain from any involvement in or endorsement of child labor, including its most egregious forms, as outlined by the conventions 138 and 182 of the International Labour Organization (ILO).
  • Rejecting Forced Labor: We are steadfast in our commitment to never participate in or knowingly condone forced labor, as delineated by International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 29. This encompasses various forms of coerced labor, including bonded labor, deceptive recruitment practices, human trafficking, as well as indentured or involuntary prison labor.
  • Ensuring Safety and Well-being for On-site Contractors: Our priority is to furnish a secure and conducive working atmosphere for contractors operating on-site.
  • Promoting Equality and Inclusivity: We enforce a strict prohibition against all forms of discrimination, encompassing but not restricted to bias based on race, color, ethnicity, caste, national origin, religion, disability or genetic information, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, marital status, parental or pregnancy status, physical appearance, HIV status, age, or any other personal characteristic unrelated to the essential requisites of the job.
  • Advancing Human Rights in Business Relationships: We are dedicated to advancing human rights in our interactions with business partners and other pertinent stakeholders.
  •  Expectations from Suppliers and Sub-contractors: ITALIAN FASHIONS Jewelry anticipates that all its suppliers and subcontractors will take measures to uphold compliance with this policy.

    Bribery and Corruption

    We firmly prohibit bribery and corruption in all our business practices and transactions, whether conducted by us or by agents representing us. In the context of this policy, bribery entails the act of providing, offering, or accepting any unwarranted advantage to or from:

    • A public or government official.
    • A political candidate, party, or official; or any private sector employees, directors or officers, or their agents or representatives.

    Anti-Money Laundering and Finance of Terrorism

    We pledge not to participate in or facilitate money laundering or the financing of terrorism. ITALIAN FASHIONS Jewelry has established Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Counterparty (KYC) procedures in place to:

    • Verify the Identity of all Counterparties.
    • Verify that counterparties and, if applicable, beneficial owners are not named on relevant government lists for individuals or organizations implicated in money laundering, fraud, or involvement with prohibited organizations and/or those financing conflicts.
    • Monitor the Nature and Legitimacy of Counterparties' Businesses and Review Transactions for Unusual or Suspicious Activity.

    Environmental Management

    Our pledge involves mitigating and controlling the environmental footprint of our business activities through the adoption of an Environmental Management System (EMS). This encompasses:

    • Prudent Handling of All Waste and Emissions to Air, Water, and Land.
    • Implementing Measures for Energy and Water Efficiency.
    • Striving for Responsible and Efficient Utilization of Other Natural Resources, as Relevant.

    Product Disclosure

    We vow not to knowingly provide any false, misleading, or deceptive information, nor omit any material details in the selling, advertising, or marketing of jewelry products and materials. Additionally, we pledge to disclose information regarding the physical attributes of jewelry products and materials in alignment with Our Code of Practices Standard.

    Conflict Diamonds

    We are committed to abstaining from the purchase or sale of Conflict Diamonds* and insist that all our diamond suppliers adhere to the standards set forth by the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) and the World Diamond Council System of Warranties (SoW).

    Supply Chain Policy – Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas

    1. This policy affirms our dedication to upholding human rights, preventing the financing of conflict, and adhering to all applicable USA and UN sanctions, resolutions, and laws.
    2. At ITALIAN FASHIONS Jewelry, we pledge to demonstrate, with independent third-party validation, that we:
      • Uphold human rights in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
      • Refrain from involvement in or tolerance of bribery, corruption, money laundering, or terrorist financing.
      • Advocate for transparency in government payments and the promotion of security forces compatible with human rights in the extractive industry.
      • Refrain from offering direct or indirect assistance to illegal armed groups.
      • facilitate stakeholders in expressing concerns regarding the jewelry supply chain; and
    3. implement the five-step framework as a management process for risk-based due diligence for responsible mineral supply chains originating from conflict-affected and high-risk regions.We additionally pledge to leverage our influence to deter misconduct by others.
    4. In relation to severe abuses linked to the extraction, transportation, or trade of gold, silver, platinum group metals, diamonds, and colored gemstones: We will not condone, benefit from, support, or enable the perpetration of:
      • torture, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.
      • forced or compulsory labor.
      • the worst forms of child labor.
      • human rights violations and abuses; or
      • war crimes, breaches of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity, or genocide. 
      5. We will promptly cease our dealings with upstream suppliers if we identify a credible risk that they are involved in the abuses outlined in paragraph 4 or are associated with, or sourcing from, any entity implicated in such abuses.
      6. Concerning direct or indirect assistance to non-state armed groups: We will not condone direct or indirect aid to non-state armed groups, which includes but is not limited to acquiring gold, silver, platinum group metals, diamonds, and colored gemstones from, providing funds to, or aiding in any way non-state armed groups or their associates who unlawfully:
        • control mine sites, transportation routes, trading points for gold, silver, platinum group metals, diamonds, and colored gemstones, as well as upstream actors in the supply chain; or
        • levy taxes or extort funds or minerals at mine sites, along transportation routes, or at trading points for gold, silver, platinum group metals, diamonds, and colored gemstones, or from intermediaries, export firms, or international traders.
      7. We will promptly discontinue our relationship with upstream suppliers if we identify a credible risk that they are sourcing from, or have ties to, any entity offering direct or indirect assistance to non-state armed groups, as detailed in the preceding paragraph.
      8. Concerning public or private security forces: We assert that the primary function of these forces is to ensure the safety of workers, facilities, equipment, and assets in adherence to the rule of law, including laws upholding human rights. We will refrain from offering direct or indirect assistance to public or private security forces engaged in the abuses outlined in paragraph 4 or operating unlawfully as detailed in paragraph 6.
      9. Concerning bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origins of gold, silver, platinum group metals, diamonds, and colored gemstones: We will refrain from providing, offering, promising, or soliciting bribes, and will oppose any attempts to solicit bribes, aimed at concealing or distorting the origins of these minerals. Additionally, we will not misrepresent the taxes, fees, and royalties paid to governments related to the extraction, trade, handling, transportation, and export of these minerals.
      10. Concerning money laundering: We will actively endorse and participate in endeavors to eradicate money laundering whenever we detect a credible risk associated with the extraction, trade, handling, transportation, or export of gold, silver, platinum group metals, diamonds, and colored gemstones.
      ITALIAN FASHIONS Jewelry has instituted this protocol to address any queries or grievances from stakeholders regarding its supply chain and business conduct. Interested parties are encouraged to raise concerns via email using the contact details provided below:
      Name: M.R. Khaleghian
      Upon receipt of a complaint, our objectives are as follows:
      • Promptly reach out to you to obtain further details regarding your grievance, if necessary. 
      • Determine the appropriate internal personnel to address the grievance or assist in directing you to an alternative entity, such as a relevant company, industry association, or other organization. 
      • Assess any necessary actions to be taken or monitor the situation accordingly. 
      • Inform you of any decisions or resolutions reached. 
      • Maintain records of received grievances and the internal procedures employed to address them for a minimum of five years.

      This Policy is endorsed by: M.R. Khaleghian